You can access the app settings by opening the Store tab:
User settings
The user settings, such as the sales location, the sales taxes, the price level and the tax type are synchronized from your erplain account. You can find these settings in erplain from the menu Settings > Users.
Providing that the user has the permission to update these settings, it can also be done directly within the POS app. You can find more information on user permissions for the POS app on this page.
The location will be used to determine the current inventory levels shown in the app. This is also where your inventory will be updated when processing sales from the app.
erplain POS will use the location setup from your erplain account. You can find more information on this page.
Sales taxes will automatically be added to your order based on your setup in your erplain account. You can find more information on this page.
Price level
erplain supports multiple price levels for each of your products. You can use these price levels to have a different price based on your customer type (Retail or Wholesale) or based on the sales location for example.
erplain POS will use the price level setup from your erplain account. You can find more information on this page.
Tax type
You have 2 choices for the Tax type:
- Tax Exclusive: The sales tax is not included in the price of the product. The sales tax will be added on top of the price. This setting is more typically used in North America.
- Tax Inclusive: The sales tax is already included in the price of the product. This setting is more typically used in Europe.
Hardware (printer and cash drawer)
This section will help you connect your receipt printer and cash drawer to the erplain POS app.
Click on "Logout" to logout from the erplain POS app.