Shipping Cost

Shipping costs are applicable to both sales and purchases. They can be found in all documents under the "Shipping and handling cost" field. They are also optional.

Shipping cost in documents

We can find the field under the category 'Shipping':

We can enter an amount for the shipping cost that will be added later to the sales:

The amount will be updated on all the documents, such as the Sales Order, and its PDF version as well:

Set the shipping costs by default

These shipping costs can also be configured by default for each of the Locations:

This will set the shipping cost by default during a sale with a specific location such as 'Container'.

Tips on the B2B Store

An additional option can be found in the settings of the B2B Store under 'Orders default values':

When a client buys on the B2B Store, this option will allow them to re-use the shipping costs of their last transaction.

The setting 'Use the same shipping cost than the latest order for the customer' needs to be turned on:

IMPORTANT: This option is only available in the B2B Store.

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