Partial deliveries

Erplain users can receive their restocking orders in partial shipments if they wish so, just as multiple shipping orders can be created when a client order is delivered in several shipments. This can be useful if a supplier is struggling and cannot send the order in one shipment or if you expect a staggered delivery for your order.
For a partial shipment, you first need to create a purchase order:

Once the purchase order has been created, you can start receiving the products. This starts by clicking on "receive products" to create a first delivery. You then need to adjust the quantities for each product in the purchase order depending on what will be sent. You can also uncheck a product to keep it out of the shipment altogether and add it in a later delivery.

You then have a delivery based on the quantities you entered.

If you return to the purchase order, you will see the quantities that are still awaiting shipment, Erplain has already adjusted the quantities and shows you what is remaining as well as what is already included in each delivery.

You can create as many deliveries as needed, with Erplain automatically adjusting the remaining quantities until the full order has been shipped.

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