Once you connect to the store, you can place orders by selecting products, and then clicking on the shopping cart and Proceed to Order.
Filtering products:
You can filter products by name, SKU or categories (Tags, Seasons, and Brands):
Adding products to the order:
Click on "More Info" to have more details about a product and Click "Add to Cart" to add this product to your order:
For Products with Variants, click on "Select Variants" to select the variants you wish to order:
Place the order:
You can choose to add an External reference (typically used for a P.O. Number) and "For the attention of" to direct the order to someone in the company:
Once you are ready to place the order, click on the Shopping Cart and "Proceed to Order":
Review the order, add some notes, select the shipping address and click on "Finalize order" to save the order.
Order validation:
Once finalized, the order is saved and its status changes to "pending validation". Validation can be done manually by opening orders in Erplain but you can also opt for automatic order validation.
Each order will be validated without any action being required on your part. To choose the right order validation method, please check this article.
Invoicing orders:
Only a validated order can be transformed into an invoice. Invoices can be created automatically or manually. If the invoice is created automatically, it will be visible directly on your customer's store, allowing them to pay.
Choose the option that suits you best from the B2B Store settings. For more details, please check this article.