In this section, you will find detailed instructions on how to update your products, prices, stock levels, and contacts via a CSV or Excel spreadsheet.
- Prerequisites
- The steps of an update
- Exporting the file
- Editing the file
- Re-importing the file
- Error message
Custom price levels, currencies as well as stock locations cannot be created using updates. Prior to uploading the file, please create the stock locations, currencies and price levels required for your update.
Warning: Files with more than 10,000 rows must be exported in several sessions. We recommend to filter exports by tags, price levels, suppliers, etc, in order to avoid having more than 10,000 rows.
The steps of an update
Follow these three simple steps to update your data:
1. exporting the file
2. editing the file
3. re-importing the file into erplain.
Exporting the file
Exporting data can be done anywhere, where the export button shows:
For example, if you want to export your stock levels, simply go to Inventory menu > Inventory bulk update > export button. To export your prices go to Products menu > Price update > export button
For more details on exporting data, please check this page.
Editing the file
Warning: To avoid, corrupted formatting and issues in your file, choose the recommended spreadsheet software to edit your file depending on the export format (CSV or XLSX).
For CSV files, we recommend that you use Google Sheets, Libre office or Open office. For XLSX we recommend Microsoft Excel only.
To learn how to open and save Google Sheets files, we invite you to watch this short video:
Whether a price, stock level, product or contact update, the rules that apply for editing your file are the same. Here are the do's and don'ts of editing:
1. Do's (in the editable columns)
- Replacing data
Example: I can update the quantities of my product.
- Deleting data
Example: I can remove the brand from my product.
- Adding data
Example: I can add tags to my customers.
2. Don'ts
- Changing the file format
Example: I must keep the original column order, column names, file format.
- Adding/Removing rows
Example: I cannot create a product nor delete a supplier by adding a new row or removing a row.
- Making modifications in the first column "id"
The "Available" column cannot be updated directly when modifying inventory. Only the "On-hand" column can be updated. The "Available" quantity is automatically recalculated based on the on-hand stock and reserved quantities.
For products with batch numbers, inventory levels cannot be updated through a file upload. You must use stock entries or stock exits to adjust their quantities.
Re-importing the file
Once the file is edited and saved, you can upload it to erplain from the menu Settings > Import data > Select [data type] > Browse file > Update [data type] button.
Warning: Once your file is selected, click on "Update [data type]". Do not click on "Import [data type]".
Error message
When a mistake is detected in the file, erplain prevents the file from being uploaded and displays an error message, showing you the mistake to be corrected.
Example with a missing column in the file: